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9785222342350 Sheet music for young musicians, Phoenix Publishing House

9785222342350 Sheet music for young musicians, Phoenix Publishing House
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Manufacturer: Издательство Феникс Ростов-на-Дону
Article: 9785222342350


9785222342350 Sheet music for young musicians, Phoenix Publishing House

Colorful notebook for mastering musical writing in the preparatory or 1st grade of the Children's Music School and Children's Art School.
A large stave, interesting design and funny stickers help create a joyful, creative atmosphere when children develop the necessary musical skills.

Author: Rusakova A.
Pages: 16.
Page size: 84х108/16 (205х260mm).
Soft cover.
Publishing house "Phoenix" Rostov-on-Don, 2022
ISBN: 978-5-222-37010-0