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Songs by Contemporary Composers for Junior School Choir, CPH

Songs by Contemporary Composers for Junior School Choir, CPH
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Manufacturer: Publisher Composer Saint Petersburg
Article: 979-0-3522-0731-8


979-0-3522-0731-8 Songs by Contemporary Composers for Junior School Choir. Programme Music. The 1st–4th forms, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

The collection "Songs of Modern Composers for Junior School Choir" is addressed to teachers of singing, music, choirmasters of children's choirs. It is recommended as a repertoire collection for collective music-making in the classroom in the subject "Music", in extracurricular activities in general education organizations, as well as in organizations of additional education for children - in children's art schools, choir studios, children's art houses.
The material in the collection is arranged in order of increasing difficulty and grouped by subject. Particularly noteworthy are such sections that are now necessary in working with children, such as "Songs about the Motherland, about the native land", the content of which meets the tasks of patriotic education of the younger generation and fills the existing gap in the repertory recommendation lists, and "Christmas Songs" - an important help to choirs for traditional participation in festive and festival concerts. The sections "Songs about notes, about music" and "Works for an ensemble or boys' choir" are interesting in terms of the selection of material. Most of the works included in this collection are published for the first time.

ISBN 979-0-3522-0731-8
Pages: 156.
Compozitor Publishing House – Saint-Petersburg

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