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Master class at home. L. Beethoven. Sonata for Piano "Appassionata", Compozitor Publishing House

Master class at home. L. Beethoven. Sonata for Piano "Appassionata", Compozitor Publishing House
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Manufacturer: Publisher Composer Saint Petersburg
Article: 978-5-7379-0378-7


978-5-7379-0378-7 Master class at home. L. Beethoven. Sonata for Piano "Appassionata", Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

Everyone knows what a master class is. One of its participants sits down at the piano, the maestro listens to his playing, evaluates it, gives advice, and works on the piece. This happens, as a rule, with the public respectfully listening to the remarks of the maestro.
There will be no public in the "Master Class at Home", which is offered to your attention, but the presence of the maestro is guaranteed. Being next to you, he will warn against possible mistakes in reading the musical text, explain incomprehensible - graphic and verbal - instructions, reveal the style and genre features of the composition. He will interpret the harmonic structure of music and its rhythm, reveal the logic of melodic development, focus on phrasing, help find the appropriate sonority character, set the tempo and deviations from it, work on finishing the articulation, and work on the pedal. He will tell you how to work on technically difficult places, discuss the issue of fingering, advise on what and how to work first. In a word, he will always be with you. Moreover, it will always be possible to "request" him - to return to the corresponding section of the text of the manual and think carefully about it.
The manuals "Master class at home" are designed for students of musical educational institutions and young teachers. They can also be used by amateur pianists.

Pages: 36.
Soft cover.
Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg
ISBN/ISMN: 978-5-7379-0378-7

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