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Kiskachi A. Ornamentation in high Baroque and Classicism periods, CPH

Kiskachi A. Ornamentation in high Baroque and Classicism periods, CPH
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Manufacturer: Publisher Composer Saint Petersburg
Article: 978-5-7379-0969-7


978-5-7379-0969-7 Kiskachi A. Ornamentation in high Baroque and Classicism periods, Compozitor Publishing House Saint-Petersburg

This guide is intended for musicians who want to play early music in a stylistically correct manner. The book gives recommendations on the execution of jewelry and samples of their decoding. All information is taken from original sources of the XVII-XVIII centuries, musical and book, most of which is not published in Russian translation.
For teachers and students of conservatories and students of music schools, as well as for all musicians interested in the performance of early music.

ISBN 978-5-7379-0969-7
Pages: 32.
Compozitor Publishing House – Saint-Petersburg

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